Overgrown - New Sermon Series
on July 13th, 2023
Join us for worship this Sunday as we begin our new series "Overgrown."How is your yard? A perfect lawn can be beautiful, but achieving that usually requires various treatments, fertilizers, meticulous mowing and weeding. Many of Jesus’ parables related to agriculture and the natural world.In this three-week series, we talk about the nature of faith from the perspective of seeds, crops, weeds and ...  Read More
July Wellness Focus: Financial Wellness
on July 5th, 2023
July is just past the middle of the calendar year and is a good time to do a mid-year financial checkup. Some ideas for steps to take include taking or re-taking our Wellness Assessment to see a picture of all of the six wellness areas, reviewing some mid-year tips or even engaging with a free Thrivent Financial money coach through their Money Canvas program. Here's to your financial health in the...  Read More
Saints on Bikes - Sovereign Estate
on July 4th, 2023
We have options for our next SOB ride, which is this Sunday, July 9. We are headed to the Winery at Sovereign Estate in Waconia. We have two start places. Let us know which place you choose.30 miles: 1pm with wheels rolling;Highcroft Country Day School.301 Peavey Lane, Wayzata.22 miles: about 1:25pm wheels rolling;St. Martin's by the Lake Church.2801 Westwood Road, Minnetonka Beach.There are five ...  Read More
Upcoming Study - Civic Life and Faith
on July 3rd, 2023
The ELCA has released a study on “Civic Life and Faith.” It’s an invitation to join a conversation about religious liberty, the proper role of the church in relation to government, and many other critical topics. This study is part of the process toward developing an ELCA social statement on topics related to civic life and faith, including how we address controversial topics, the objectives of de...  Read More
MHC Fundraiser – Bluegrass Music Festival
on July 3rd, 2023
Sunday, July 9, 2023, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PMElim Lutheran Church in Robbinsdale(3978 W Broadway, Robbinsdale, MN 55422) Elim Lutheran Church is hosting a Bluegrass Music Festival and Fundraiser with all proceeds going to Mental Health Connect. All ages are welcome. You are all invited to attend this event before the Robbinsdale Whiz Bang Days parade. This is a free family event with music, a food truc...  Read More
All Saints Garden
on July 2nd, 2023
The All Saints Garden project began last June with weeding and replacing the rocks in the steps going up to the picnic table and benches. Steve Suppan helped by trimming shrubs. Then the hot and dry summer delayed further work. This spring several volunteers stepped forward to continue the work. Cindy Grotz and Betty Oestenstad have led the work this summer by removing weeds, moving plants, transp...  Read More
Summer 2023 Newsletter
on July 1st, 2023
The Summer 2023 Newsletter is now available for download. 9th - Saints on Bikes, 1pm19th - Bubble Dance Party and Ice Cream Social, 6:30pm22nd - Saints on Bikes, 1pm28th - Parents Night Out, 5:30pm-8:30pm30th - Parent and Child Playdate, after the service 20th - Open Choir, 9am27th - Parent and Child Playdate, after the service...  Read More
Parents Night Out - July
on June 30th, 2023
Parents with kids ages 2-10 years old are invited to participate in our next Parents Night Out. Parents Night Out gives parents of young kids the opportunity to have a night with friends, go out to dinner, go on a date, or just have a night to themselves while knowing their kids are well taken care of and enjoying a night at All Saints filled with games, crafts, snacks and a movie. Parents Night O...  Read More
Bubble Dance Party and Ice Cream Social
on June 29th, 2023
Do you have kids that love to dance and move or love playing with bubbles? If so, join us for a fun night filled with bubble activities, family friendly music, and ice cream. The bubble dance party and ice cream social is a great opportunity to meet friends new and old and have a little fun with the whole family.This event is open to all so feel free to invite your family, friends, and neighbors. ...  Read More
End of Fiscal Year Giving Reminder
on June 23rd, 2023
We’re almost halfway through the calendar year and All Saints' fiscal year ends June 30. Make sure you are up to date on your intended giving. By doing so, you will help us end our fiscal year strong. This helps us follow through on our full commitments to local partners like ICA Food Shelf, Urban Ventures and Mental Health Connect. It also helps us build momentum for this coming fall. We’re excit...  Read More
June Parent and Child Playdate
on June 11th, 2023
Join us June 25 for our next parent and child playdate. Playdates are a great way for families with young kids to connect and get to know each other. Stick around after the service for some fun inside in our parent and child space or outside playing with chalk or enjoying our playground. We will also have YoYo donuts available for everyone to enjoy. All are welcome. ...  Read More
'Come Together' Virtual Gatherings
on June 10th, 2023
Pastor Kelly Chatman was our guest preacher on April 30th. As you may recall he is the director of The Center for Leadership and Neighborhood Engagement. Monthly he hosts “Come Together,” an online convening to learn, share and mobilize. You are able to listen to neighborhood leaders outside of most of our social circles. There is also an optional share time after the speakers to interact with oth...  Read More




