"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." - A.W. Tozer

What We Believe

All Saints Lutheran Church is grounded in the inspired words of scripture as a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We believe that the character and spirit of God can be best understood through the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Jesus, God is revealed as gracious, merciful and loving. God desires life and dignity for every human being and calls us to see one another as neighbors who are loved by God, regardless of whatever human distinctions we create.

Because God loves our neighbors as much as us, we are called to lives that reflect love and respect, even toward those we may disagree with. When our patterns and choices diminish life for others, and create or sustain injustice, God calls us to be transformed through his Spirit and Word. When we ourselves have experienced pain and are in need of healing and hope due to the broken condition of relationships, society, our own situation or choices, God comes to us with unquestioned grace and compassion so that we can find new life.

Unexpected, unconditional love is at at the heart of our Lutheran tradition. It was a discovery and experience that brought joy and relief at the start of the Reformation 500 years ago, and we believe this message of a gracious and loving God is still relevant and transformative today. Sadly, this is not always fully experienced and at times we all fall short in living this out in all its fullness.

As a result, faith is a journey of continuing growth and reflection. God continues to encourage us, forgive us and walk with us along the way. We invite you to join us on this path to bring renewal in ourselves and our world!

For more detailed information about our beliefs, visit the Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA) website related to teachings.

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