Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Your child can be a part of
Kids Connection on Sunday mornings.

Kids Connection is our Sunday morning programming for children age 3 through 5th grade and runs from September through May. The first day of Kids Connection for the 2024-2025 school year is this Sunday, September 8.

We gather and provide a caring and welcoming space for our kids to come to each week. See our procedures below to help maintain a safe and healthy environment.
  1. Check-in at the Kids Connection Check-in station prior to the service at 10 a.m.
  2. Once checked-in, find a spot to sit in the sanctuary with your family.
  3. Shortly into the service, kids will be invited up for a kid's message.
  4. After the kid's message, kids are dismissed to Kids Connection. They will follow leaders to the Ministry Center (located all the way down the stairs).
  5. The first 10-15 minutes of Kids Connection all kids will be together and will hear the Bible story or lesson that is the focus for the week.
  6. Following the story, kids will do age appropriate application activities. We use a variety of application activities to increase the chance that the lesson sticks for everyone. This could include games, crafts, music, or more discussion-based activity.
  7. Kids Connection concludes at 11 am. Parents can pick up their kids in the Ministry Center. If the service finishes before 11, parents are asked to enjoy a cup of coffee, snack, or conversation in Fellowship Hall until Kids Connection concludes. 
We look forward to gathering and providing a safe and welcoming environment for our families! Contact Chelsea, our Family Ministry Coordinator, if you have any questions about Kids Connection.

Kids Connection Registration

Why Should We Just Let Them Play?

Understand more about the importance of play in this video discussion. Play is the way children interpret and understand their world.

  • What could a child possibly learn while playing? 
  • What skills are learned through play? 
  • Strategies promoting more in-depth play
  • Suggestions for toys and materials that teach different things