Sundays 10am–11am

Kids Connection is our Sunday morning programming for children age 3 through 5th grade and runs from September through May. Families check in before the service and sit together in the sanctuary. After the Kids Message, children will led down to the Ministry Center by staff and volunteer leaders.


June 16-19, 2025

Gather at All Saints for four days filled with music, crafts, games, and Bible stories. Day camp is open for kids age 3 through 5th grade.


GLLM summer ministry offers Youth, Family, and Adult programs at three sites located along the shores of beautiful Minnesota lakes. Together, in vibrant settings in community and creation, the life-giving love of Jesus is shared.
Green Lake has an "Early Bird" discount this year. All Saints families can use the code 25OVERFLOWS for $25 off.


We love to have kids worship with us each week. There are Spark Bibles throughout the sanctuary where kids can find a similar story to the reading, which is listed on the slides before the prelude.
Kids can find activity bags on either side of the sanctuary filled with books, coloring pages, fidgets, and more.
If kids need a break from the service, there is a child-friendly space off the fellowship hall they can go to while parents can still see and hear what is going on in worship.  

Kids Music Opportunities

We offer music opportunities for all ages. Our young musicians (pre-school thru 5th grade) may sing in Choristers . Find more info and complete an interest form.


Parents Night Out

Friday, May 16 • 5:30pm – 8:30pm

If you have a child who is age 2-10, you are invited to join us for Parents Night Out. Drop off your kids at All Saints for a night of fun activities, games, crafts, and a movie. While you know your kids are safe and having fun, you can enjoy a date night, night with friends, go out to dinner, or just have a night to yourself.

The last Parents Night Out of the year will be on May 16 from 5:30-8:30 pm. To insure we have enough volunteers and supplies for a safe and fun night, we ask that you register by Wednesday, May 14. You can register here.

Complete the registration for all children (click Add Another Person for additional children). Add the parent/guardian as the primary contact. After completing the registration, we will contact you with more details of the check-in and out process and what you can expect during the night.

This event runs on free will donations, which go to support various family ministry events. If you have any questions about Parents Night Out you can contact Chelsea.


The last Sunday of each month, young kids and their parents are invited to stick around after the service for a playdate. Kids can play together in the play space next to fellowship hall. Parents can connect with other parents while their children play.


Neighborhood Fall Fest

Saturday, September 28, 2024 • 2-4pm

Gather with your family, friends, and neighbors in our west parking lot for our Neighborhood Fall Fest! There will be music, crafts, and inflatables. More information on the Fall Events page.

Trunk or Treat

Saturday,  October 26, 2024 • 2-4pm

Join us in our west parking lot for this family-friendly Halloween event! Kids get to go trick-or-treating from a bunch of decorated trunks. Learn more on the Fall Events page.

Easter Eggstravaganza

Saturday,  April 19, 2025 • 10am-12pm

You are invited to the third annual Easter Eggstravanza on Saturday, April 19. This free event is open to everyone so bring your friends, family and neighbors! Learn more and reserve your egg hunt time on the Easter Eggstravaganza page.