Posts with the tag “strong-families”

Watch the Livestream in the Parent Child Space
by Aaron Achartz on February 6th, 2025
Thanks to a generous donation from a member, families using our Parent Child Space on Sundays can now view a livestream of the service on a newly installed TV. If you are a parent that needs to step out of the sanctuary with a child, we invite you to use this space and hope that you still feel connected with us during the service.Thanks to the donation, we also made tech upgrades this past fall to...  Read More
Day Camp Registration Open
by Aaron Achartz on January 19th, 2025
Join us this morning as we welcome Travis Aufderheide, executive director of Green Lake, for Camp Sunday. He has a short camp message and a special Kids message. He will be sharing more about camp during Kids Connection....  Read More
Family Movie Night on January 24
by Aaron Achartz on January 3rd, 2025
Looking for something to do with your family on a Friday night? Get out of the cold and join us for a family movie night the evening of January 24. The movie will start at 6:30 pm in the Ministry Center. We will provide the popcorn. Feel free to bring your own treats, blankets, or stuffed animals to enjoy during the movie! We hope to see you there. ...  Read More
Trunk or Treat on October 26
by Aaron Achartz on October 5th, 2024
Join us at All Saints on Saturday, October 26 from 2-4pm for our annual Trunk or Treat, a Halloween event for kids and families. Kids can trick-or-treat around our parking lot by visiting each of the decorated cars. After visiting the cars, kids are invited to make a Halloween craft, get an airbrush tattoo, or play some Halloween bingo. This event is free and open to any families that would like t...  Read More
Kids Connection Begins September 8
by Aaron Achartz on August 25th, 2024
The first day of Kids Connection for the 2024-2025 school year is September 8. Kids Connection is our Sunday morning programming for children age 3 through 5th grade and runs from September through May.Families check in before the service and sit together in the sanctuary. After the Kids Message, children will be led down to the Ministry Center by staff and volunteer leaders. Learn more and regist...  Read More
Family Movie Night
by Aaron Achartz on August 6th, 2024
On August 27, the family fun night is a movie night where we will be watching Illumination's Migration. There will be a variety of movie snacks for families to enjoy. These monthly family fun nights are in partnership with the moms and dads faith study groups, but families do not have to attend the moms or dads group to come to the family fun nights. ...  Read More
Family Game Night
by Aaron Achartz on July 16th, 2024
Bring your family to All Saints on July 30 from 6-8pm for a Family Game Night. Challenge another family to a board or card game, or just come for some family fun. We will have games for all ages and root beer floats!As an addition to our monthly faith studies for parents of young children, we invite all families (not just those currently involved in the faith studies) to come together for some fam...  Read More
Moms and Dads Bible Studies
by Aaron Achartz on July 1st, 2024
Join us for a brand-new Bible Study! Moms and dads of young children are invited to gather for fellowship and study led by Miranda and Jacob Wagner. Once a month, moms are invited to join Miranda for the study starting July 16 at 6:30 pm. Dads are invited once a month to join Jacob beginning July 23 at 6:30 pm. Then once a month both groups will come together for some family fun kicking off July 3...  Read More
Bubble Dance Party & Ice Cream Social
by Aaron Achartz on May 28th, 2024
Do you have kids that love to dance and move or love playing with bubbles? If so, join us Wednesday, June 19 for a fun night filled with bubble activities, family friendly music, and ice cream. The bubble dance party and ice cream social is a great opportunity to meet friends new and old and have a little fun with the whole family.Families are invited to bring a picnic dinner. There will be space ...  Read More
Two Weeks Left to Register for Day Camp
by Aaron Achartz on May 17th, 2024
Gather at All Saints for four days filled with music, crafts, games, and Bible stories that help us explore and discover the authentic person God created in each of us, and how we are called to live out the Gospel of love and justice in the world! There is room for everyone, so bring your friends along! ...  Read More
Day Camp Hosts Needed
by Aaron Achartz on May 3rd, 2024
During day camp week, we welcome staff from Green Lake Lutheran Ministries into our community. They work hard to provide a fun and memorable week for the kids attending day camp. One way you can help make the week successful is to provide a place for the staff to stay. Hosts are expected to provide a space to sleep for at least 2 staff from June 9 to June 13 and make some grab-and-go breakfast opt...  Read More
Confirmation Sunday 2024
by Aaron Achartz on May 2nd, 2024
Join us at the service on May 19 as a handful of our confirmation youth affirm their baptism. For the past 3 years, these youth have been studying and learning about faith and considering what they believe. They are now ready to affirm their faith and the promises that were made at their baptism. Stick around after the service to congratulate the youth and have a treat from YoYo Donuts. ...  Read More
Easter Eggstravaganza
by Aaron Achartz on March 2nd, 2024
Join us for our third annual Easter Eggstravanza on Saturday, March 30th. To ensure that everyone has a fun and safe egg hunt experience, this year we will be having two egg hunts: one at 10:30 and one at 11:30. Families can reserve an egg hunt spot ahead of time. Follow the link, click "Register Now" and select a free timed ticket for each child to reserve your spot.Other activities at the Easter...  Read More
Volunteer at the Easter Eggstravaganza
by Aaron Achartz on February 24th, 2024
We are excited for this year's Easter Eggstravaganza on March 30th. Last year we welcomed over 200 kids and their families! To make this year successful, we need volunteers to set-up, serve as greeters, assist at the crafts table, guide at the I Spy, and do clean up. We also need kids and youth to help hide eggs, and adults to help with popcorn and drinks.If you are able to help, sign up at the We...  Read More
Day Camp Registration Open
by Aaron Achartz on January 1st, 2024
Not ready for an overnight camp or want double the camp fun? Counselors from Green Lake will be coming to All Saints to lead Day Camp on June 10-13. Day Camp is a great way for kids to get introduced to camp. Kids will learn camp songs, play games (including a water day), do crafts, learn Bible stories, and more!Any children age 3 through 5th grade can join us for day camp. Day camp is from 9am – ...  Read More
Christmas Eve Goodie Bags for Kids
by Chelsea Maher on December 16th, 2023
The Christmas Eve service is a very special and meaningful service for many, including families. When families join us for the 4 pm and 9pm services on Christmas Eve, kids are invited to stop by the Welcome Center before the service for a goodie bag of activities to do during the service or to enjoy at home....  Read More
Green Lake Registration Opens Today
by Chelsea Maher on December 14th, 2023
Believe it or not, it’s time to start planning for summer! Green Lake offers lots of fun activities for kids of all ages such as: Gaga ball, air square, swimming and beach fun, hiking, biking, paddle boarding, kayaking, campfires, games, crafts and more. Not only is camp an amazing way to get outside and enjoy God’s creation, at Green Lake kids also learn awesome lessons and Bible Stories all week...  Read More
Register for Green Lake Bible Camp
by Aaron Achartz on December 5th, 2023
When the snow starts to fall, it's hard not to long for summer and warmth. Well, you can start planning for summer because camp registration opens on December 13.  At Green Lake, kids in 1st–12th grade can enjoy a week full of fun activities, Bible stories, campfires, worship, and more. Both All Saints and Green Lake Lutheran Ministries believe that every kid deserves to experience camp at some po...  Read More
Kids Connection for December
by Aaron Achartz on December 1st, 2023
As we approach the holidays, Kids Connection will look a little different. We will celebrate Christmas during Kids Connection on December 3. December 10 is the Kids Christmas program, so we ask any families who are not participating in the program to join us in the audience.On December 17 is a family-friendly service called Lessons and Carols. Many families enjoy attending that service together, s...  Read More
November Parent and Child Playdate
by Aaron Achartz on November 5th, 2023
All families with young kids are invited to join us for our monthly playdate after church on Sunday, November 26. Kids can play together in our parent and child space off of the fellowship hall while parents can connect with other parents. Playdates are a great opportunity for parents and kids to meet with families they know and meet new ones as well. All are welcome to play, chat, and enjoy some ...  Read More
Trunk or Treat on October 28
by Aaron Achartz on October 8th, 2023
Join us in our parking lot for this family-friendly Halloween event! Kids get to go trick-or-treating from a bunch of decorated trunks, collecting treats and playing games at each one. There are also crafts, games, and hot chocolate. All Saints Trunk-or-Treat is open to all families so feel free to invite neighbors, friends, and relatives.The last few years have been the best trunk-or-treats in re...  Read More
October Parents Night Out
by Aaron Achartz on September 22nd, 2023
Parents with kids ages 2-10 years old are invited to participate in our next Parents Night Out on Friday, October 13 from 5:30pm – 8:30pm. Parents Night Out gives parents of young kids the opportunity to have an evening with friends, go out to dinner, go on a date, or just have an evening to themselves while knowing their kids are well taken care of and enjoying a night at All Saints filled with g...  Read More
Major Changes to the College Process in 2023
by Aaron Achartz on September 12th, 2023
This past year has resulted in some of the most significant changes to the college planning process in decades.Admission trends have changed around how colleges admit students.There are substantial changes to the FAFSA and financial aid that may make college more expensive.Schools have gone ACT/SAT optional, but not necessarily when they award scholarships. Join us at All Saints as we partner with...  Read More
Neighborhood Fall Fest
by Aaron Achartz on September 9th, 2023
Gather with your family, friends, and neighbors in our west parking lot for our Neighborhood Fall Fest! We’ll have the Rusty Taco food truck, which will be selling tacos, sides, and beverages. For the kids, there will be inflatable axe throwing, an inflatable obstacle course, and a balloon artist. A live DJ will be taking requests from the crowd.Share the Facebook Event with your friends and neigh...  Read More
Kids Connection Begins This Sunday
by Aaron Achartz on September 8th, 2023
We are kicking off the new year of Kids Connection by talking about friendship and what makes a good friend. This week we will hear about David who was a good friend to Johnathan because he kept his promises to him. Kids will learn that a good friend keeps their promises.Kids Connection takes place during the Sunday service in our kids space all the way down the stairs. Kids can be dropped off bef...  Read More
Come Together This Sunday to Kick Off Fall
by Aaron Achartz on September 7th, 2023
Join us Sunday as we kick off fall! We begin our new sermon series "Community: A User's Guide" in Sunday's worship service. Saints Chorale, which begins rehearsals tonight, will lead the worship service and sing a favorite hymn during the Offering. After the service, our Civic Life and Faith Study has its first session.Kids Connection begins this Sunday, and meets during worship in our kids space ...  Read More
September Parent and Child Playdate
by Aaron Achartz on September 3rd, 2023
Every month, parents and their kids are invited to All Saints for a playdate. This takes place after a Sunday service. All Saints provides the activities and space for kids to explore and play together as well as the opportunity for parents to meet and connect. Our next playdate is September 17th. Each month, we also provide treats for everyone to enjoy. We hope to see you there for some fun, toys...  Read More
Volunteer with Kids or Youth
by Aaron Achartz on August 31st, 2023
All Saints has awesome family ministry programs. In order for these programs to be successful, we need individuals who are willing to spend some time enriching the lives of our All Saints kids and youth. You will be provided with age appropriate training and will go through a background check. You don’t need to be a teacher in order to influence the lives of young people, you just have to be willi...  Read More
Intergenerational Fall Potluck
by Aaron Achartz on August 30th, 2023
Join us for a night of food, games, and community. Due to the hot temperatures in August preventing us from gathering outside, All Saints will be hosting another intergenerational potluck at Lake Minnewashta Regional Park - Lakeview Pavilion on Wednesday, September 20.Yard games for all ages will be set up and ready to play by 5:30 pm. If you have your own favorite yard game, feel free to bring it...  Read More
Register for Crossroads Confirmation
by Aaron Achartz on August 28th, 2023
“Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” – Romans 12:2 In our world today, we are bombarded with sources telling us what believe, who to support, and what sides to take. It can be overwhelming for anyone, but especially a young person who is just starting to figure out where they stand and what they believe. This year at Crossroad...  Read More
Harmony – Kids Connection for September
by Aaron Achartz on August 27th, 2023
For kids, a new school year is the beginning of a lot of new things. For many it means having a new teacher, starting a new grade, and getting used to a new schedule. For others it might mean they are going to a new school and need to make new friends. Starting September 10, we are kicking off a new year of Kids Connection with a focus on friendships new and old.Humans were created to be in relati...  Read More
Fun at the Intergenerational Potluck
by Aaron Achartz on August 23rd, 2023
What a great time we had tonight! Despite needing to move inside due to the high temperatures, we enjoyed the evening together. We shared in a delicious meal, thanks to everyone who brought food, and played games. It was wonderful to have the time to talk and connect as the summer winds down and we prepare for fall. Stay connected with us this fall. Find all of our upcoming events on the Fall Page...  Read More
August Playdate
by Aaron Achartz on August 13th, 2023
Many families have been taking advantage of our parent and child playdates each month. Playdates are a great way for kids to get a chance to play together and parents get a chance to meet other parents with similar aged kids. Playdates happen once a month after the Sunday service. They are also accompanied by treats for all to enjoy. The playdate for this month is Sunday, August 27....  Read More
July Playdate
by Aaron Achartz on July 16th, 2023
Many families have been taking advantage of our parent and child playdates each month. Playdates are a great way for kids to get a chance to play together and parents get a chance to meet other parents with similar aged kids. Playdates happen once a month after the Sunday service. They are also accompanied by treats for all to enjoy. The playdate for this month is Sunday, July 30....  Read More
Parents Night Out - July
by Aaron Achartz on June 30th, 2023
Parents with kids ages 2-10 years old are invited to participate in our next Parents Night Out. Parents Night Out gives parents of young kids the opportunity to have a night with friends, go out to dinner, go on a date, or just have a night to themselves while knowing their kids are well taken care of and enjoying a night at All Saints filled with games, crafts, snacks and a movie. Parents Night O...  Read More
Bubble Dance Party and Ice Cream Social
by Aaron Achartz on June 29th, 2023
Do you have kids that love to dance and move or love playing with bubbles? If so, join us for a fun night filled with bubble activities, family friendly music, and ice cream. The bubble dance party and ice cream social is a great opportunity to meet friends new and old and have a little fun with the whole family.This event is open to all so feel free to invite your family, friends, and neighbors. ...  Read More
June Parent and Child Playdate
by Aaron Achartz on June 11th, 2023
Join us June 25 for our next parent and child playdate. Playdates are a great way for families with young kids to connect and get to know each other. Stick around after the service for some fun inside in our parent and child space or outside playing with chalk or enjoying our playground. We will also have YoYo donuts available for everyone to enjoy. All are welcome. ...  Read More
Final Week to Register for Day Camp
by Aaron Achartz on May 19th, 2023
The school year is coming to a close, which means we are that much closer to Day Camp (formerly Vacation Bible School or VBS)! Day Camp is a week long experience for kids ages 3-5th grade filled with games, crafts, Bible stories, songs, and fun. Each day will focus on a different bible story and as well as activities that kids will be talking about the whole summer. This year we have the privilege...  Read More
Help Host Counselors During Day Camp
by Aaron Achartz on May 10th, 2023
All Saints will be hosting a handful of college-aged counselors for the week of day camp, which means they will need a place to stay for the week. If you are interested in hosting 2 or more counselors for the week, email Chelsea. If you are not able to host counselors but would like to help, you could host a meal or two for the counselors during their stay with us. ...  Read More
May Playdate
by Aaron Achartz on May 8th, 2023
To celebrate the end to a successful school year, we will have another playdate following the last day of Kids Connection. Families have loved connecting with other families and kids have enjoyed our Parent and Child space! If the weather is cooperative families can even enjoy our playground.If you would like to join us for the fun, our next playdate is May 21st. Stick around after the service to ...  Read More




