Special Project Launch

You can help us refresh our Fellowship Hall with new furnishings to make it a continued focal point for community at All Saints! Set out a chair for a friend, a community member, or a new visitor.

Well over 20 years ago, All Saints purchased the chairs we now use in the Fellowship Hall. For most funerals we add our metal folding chairs to expand seating. The small number of round tables we use on Sundays are from a previous set. Most of our tables are now used only when they can be covered with tablecloths to hide wear.

About a year ago, our Easter Eggstravaganza alone reached a diverse crowd of over 300 of our neighbors, drawing heavily upon the Fellowship Hall. We know how critical these tables and chairs are to our regular fellowship, funerals, family events, community events and other activities that take place throughout the year.

Our goal is to purchase 200 new chairs with stacking carts. With all costs and fees included, the average cost per chair will be $135. The purchase of 20 new tables will be approximately $7000. We project the total cost of the project to be $34,000.

We invite you to look at the sample table and chair in the fellowship hall the next time you’re at church! The chairs are well-built, and a wide variety of people have commented on their comfort.


The council has approved a fundraiser to make this possible. We invite you to consider a special gift to help us refresh our fellowship hall further and complement our new flooring.

All Saints has received a generous offer to match the first $10,000 donated! You can maximize your contribution by donating to the All Saints Memorial Fund today! Make a gift in memory or honor of someone today.

Thank you!
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