Why is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Celebrated in May?
on May 9th, 2023
The legislation to annually designate May as Asian Pacific American Heritage Month referenced two key dates: May 7 and May 10. May 7, 1843, marks the arrival of the first Japanese immigrants to the United States. And May 10, 1869, or Golden Spike Day, recognizes the completion of the first transcontinental railroad in the U.S., which had significant contributions from Chinese workers.The railroad ...  Read More
May Playdate
on May 8th, 2023
To celebrate the end to a successful school year, we will have another playdate following the last day of Kids Connection. Families have loved connecting with other families and kids have enjoyed our Parent and Child space! If the weather is cooperative families can even enjoy our playground.If you would like to join us for the fun, our next playdate is May 21st. Stick around after the service to ...  Read More
Raise Your Game - Kids Connection for May
on May 5th, 2023
Whether you are a kid watching the Mario movie for the first time or an adult that grew up on the Super Mario Bros video games, you know that Mario gets a lot of help from his friends or power-ups to defeat Bowser. Though our life struggles are not the same as Mario’s, we get help with our struggles too.This month at Kids Connection we will learn that we can always count on God to be there with us...  Read More
Saints on Bikes Are Rolling Again!
on May 4th, 2023
All Saints' friendly biking group invites anyone who likes biking to join them for exercise and camaraderie outdoors. Rides are usually on Sunday afternoons and occasionally on Saturdays. They happen about every other week from May through October and range from around 12-25 miles—often with a break in the middle for refreshment!The first ride will be this Saturday, May 6, to Eloise Butler Wildflo...  Read More
May Wellness Focus: Physical Wellness
on May 3rd, 2023
As the days get longer and warmer, it’s a great time to turbo charge our physical wellness with outside activities and new ideas for the grill. Gather with friends or family and enjoy God’s creation. Check in on our Wednesday social media posts on Facebook and Instagram for more ideas....  Read More
What is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month?
on May 2nd, 2023
May marks Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, which celebrates the histories of Americans hailing from across the Asian continent and from the Pacific islands of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia. In 1978, Rep. Frank Horton, with cosponsor Rep. Norman Mineta, introduced the resolution that passed and was signed into law by President Jimmy Carter.  The resolution "authorized and requested" the...  Read More
May 2023 Newsletter
on May 1st, 2023
2nd - Inspired Life: Environment and Wellness, Erin Sharkey, 7pm3rd - Budget & Bylaws Informational Session, 6pm7th - Annual Congregational Meeting, 11am14th - Deacon Lydia's first Sunday, greeting time after the service19th - Parents Night Out, 5:30pm-8:30pm21st - Parent & Child Playdate, after the service21st - Confirmation Service, 2pm For up to date information and to register for events, visi...  Read More
Mental Health Connect Stories of Hope Breakfast
on April 29th, 2023
You're invited to the 5th annual Mental Health Connect Stories of Hope on Thursday, May 11! This 1 hour fundraiser is full of inspiration and hope. It includes breakfast, music, inspiring presenters and connection. Tickets are available here.Those who are interested in attending can contact the church office so that members can sit together.Did you know that All Saints is a sponsoring partner of M...  Read More
Parents Night Out - May
on April 27th, 2023
Parents with kids ages 2-10 years old are invited to participate in our next Parents Night Out. Parents Night Out gives parents of young kids the opportunity to have a night with friends, go out to dinner, go on a date, or just have a night to themselves while knowing their kids are well taken care of and enjoying a night at All Saints filled with games, crafts, snacks and a movie.Parents Night ou...  Read More
Urban Ventures Spring Clean-Up Day
on April 26th, 2023
Spring has sprung and the snow is finally starting to melt! Although we are happy about this, being in the city it also means that there is a lot of extra trash piled up. Would you join Urban Ventures in helping bless our community and spruce up our neighborhood with a Spring Clean Up Day?Urban Ventures is asking volunteers to come help us clean up trash that is scattered between our buildings, so...  Read More
Men's Breakfast Group Resumes
on April 21st, 2023
Come for breakfast on Monday, May 1st at 8:00am. The Men's Breakfast Group will meet at the Perkins near the Country Village Shopping Center on Highway 7. Jerry Dohrman will share about the new medications and technologies available for those with diabetes. You are invited to join in the conversation and bring a friend. ...  Read More
Staff News
on April 20th, 2023
I’m pleased to share a new addition to our All Saints staff! Deacon Lydia Svenulski will be starting in mid-May as our new Minister of Engagement. She has five years of experience as a rostered and ordained Minister of Word and Service (Deacon) in the ELCA, and previously served at Word of Peace Lutheran Church in Rogers and St. Barnabas Lutheran Church in Plymouth. Deacon Lydia recently completed...  Read More




