Necessary Repairs
Today, as I write this, I spent half an hour working on the bathroom door knob. The spring had grown weaker over the last few months and it finally gave up latching at all. Now we’re interrupted in our morning routine by an inquisitive dog. Knowing that family and friends will be visiting for Christmas, I knew that I had to fix the latch for them.
Do you have necessary repairs at your home? It’s easy to let little things, minor inconveniences, fall to the wayside. I had a broken light switch that I put off fixing for years before finally tackling it. It took less than an hour to fix, including the trip to the store. It is easy to neglect, but we feel better when we get these things done.
Oftentimes, as with my bathroom door, the impetus is an external force. Maybe you’re hosting Christmas dinner and the oven needs to be cleaned. Maybe you’re going on vacation and it’s finally time to replace your decade old shorts. Maybe a family member has resumed pestering you to finish painting the basement rec room.
Finishing these projects can also be good for our own mental wellbeing as well. It is one more thing off your checklist, another worry that won’t hound you as you lay in bed at night trying to sleep.
Finding the motivation to get started can be difficult, especially when you don’t know how you’re going to complete the task, but you can use the momentum you have to push through the project. Take a few minutes today to consider what small things you’ve been putting off, whether for yourself or others, and commit to finishing one of them before Christmas. It’ll improve the world, and hopefully make you feel better as well.
Do you have necessary repairs at your home? It’s easy to let little things, minor inconveniences, fall to the wayside. I had a broken light switch that I put off fixing for years before finally tackling it. It took less than an hour to fix, including the trip to the store. It is easy to neglect, but we feel better when we get these things done.
Oftentimes, as with my bathroom door, the impetus is an external force. Maybe you’re hosting Christmas dinner and the oven needs to be cleaned. Maybe you’re going on vacation and it’s finally time to replace your decade old shorts. Maybe a family member has resumed pestering you to finish painting the basement rec room.
Finishing these projects can also be good for our own mental wellbeing as well. It is one more thing off your checklist, another worry that won’t hound you as you lay in bed at night trying to sleep.
Finding the motivation to get started can be difficult, especially when you don’t know how you’re going to complete the task, but you can use the momentum you have to push through the project. Take a few minutes today to consider what small things you’ve been putting off, whether for yourself or others, and commit to finishing one of them before Christmas. It’ll improve the world, and hopefully make you feel better as well.
Posted in Advent 2024
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