All Saints Garden

The All Saints Garden project began last June with weeding and replacing the rocks in the steps going up to the picnic table and benches. Steve Suppan helped by trimming shrubs. Then the hot and dry summer delayed further work.
This spring several volunteers stepped forward to continue the work. Cindy Grotz and Betty Oestenstad have led the work this summer by removing weeds, moving plants, transplanting perennials, purchasing new varieties, adding mulch to prevent weed growth, and now keeping it watered.
Kandi Tsuchiya and Kathy Hovey have supported the garden with donations of perennials and mulch. Stephan Furlich and Don Grotz helped with rototilling. June Bentrup, Steve Suppan and Anne Englert have helped with watering.

Thank you to everyone who has helped with the All Saints Garden. Take a moment to check out the fruits of their hard work.
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