New Speaker Series Begins

Our new community speaker series, Inspired Life, begins in January 2023. Our first season is "Environment and Wellness," and honors the environmental legacy of Grant Merritt. Talks will be held in the sanctuary on two Tuesday evenings in January, and then five other Tuesday evenings through June.

This series explores a search for purpose and meaning in life in the environment and nature. This exploration covers a variety of topics, such as pollution, saving the environment, nature, hiking, biking, camping, food and the environment, and more. The series will explore nature and the environment in a search for a connection to nature as a place to camp, a place to hike, a place to bike, a place to connect with nature, and a place to restore and preserve the environment/nature.

Inspired Life: Environment and Wellness will have a number of speakers who are leaders in their field, such as the Commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency; Director of Minnesota State Parks; Food writer and Beard Award winner Beth Dooley; and Minnesota's naturalist writer, Susan Leaf.

The Inspired Life: Environment and Wellness series begins on Tuesday, January 17 at 7pm with Katrina Kessler, Commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, speaking on the “State of the Environment in Minnesota.”

On Tuesday, January 24 at 7pm, Peter Gove speaks on “Minnesota’s Landmark Environmental case: Reserve Mining; and Grant Merritt, Minnesota’s Environmentalist.”

Then in February, on Tuesday, February 21 at 7pm, Ann Pierce, Director of Minnesota State Parks & Trails, speaks on “The Environment and the State Parks & Trails of Minnesota”. More speakers run through June.

You are invited to explore your biophilia - your connection to nature - by attending this speaker series in a search for meaning and purpose to live well through these speakers and programs.

Learn more about the series.

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